You deserve a fulfilling life

A six-week program to help you build, not only your next step, but your life.
A community for peer accountability to help you stay focused.

An overview

Learn what Build Your Next Step is all about, what is going to happens and how you will participate.
This is Build Your Next Step

Design Your Life

Someone with your experience should be able to have a fulfilling job and a fulfilling life.
Many of you are in a precarious situation. Fired or worried about how secure your job is. Or how secure your profession is. 
What are the next 5 years going to bring? 
What can you do to become future-proof? Improve your skills or gain new ones? Are you ready to adapt to a changing situation?
The first and most important step is a change of mindset.
We offer a six-week program to help you build, not only your next step, but your life. And another six weeks of peer accountability to help you stay focused.
The course is built around core concepts and practical tools, peer exchange, real-life exercises, peer-accountability and group coaching.
In a small group of peers, you will give and receive the support you need to actually apply your learnings and change your life. 
Life is not a problem to be SOLVED. Life is an ADVENTURE to be engaged. Do not get stuck trying to find THE solution. Find the WAY.

In this program, you will learn to

Closely examine the “life story” that has brought you to where you are today.
Align your ‘life’ view and ‘work’ view. Often making money and having meaning in your life are not always aligned.
Understand what gives you energy and what sucks you dry, so you can design a life that fills you up.
Shift your thinking. Learn how to focus on life as a journey to be experienced fully, rather than a means to an end.
Fix dysfunctional attitudes by understanding the root of things that might be blocking you.
Design and build new options for your next career step.

Practically, how does this work?

The programme is delivered over a six-week period.

Weekly course modules
  • Short videos and practical worksheets

Weekly Zoom meetings
  • Initial call to create a sense of community
  • Weekly live workshops to delve into important exercises
  • Weekly community calls for insights and support
  • Wrap-up and celebration call

Sessions start each month

Take control of your life

Register by filling out a simple form
Learn and practice the method
Give and receive support from your pears

Meet your coaches

Luisa Colombo

People & Organizational Developer, Agile HR Practitioner.
I am passionate about people, their development and the mechanics of human being interactions. Curious and enthusiastic by nature, I like exploring new options and opportunities and my life-view looks like an exciting learning journey. I enjoy constantly asking myself and my coachees: “What do you want to grow into next?”

With a solid background in economics, I have more than 15 years’ experience working within organizations, mainly in HR functions. I combine my background in human resources, coaching and organizational development, with innovative Agile practices.

I have coached leaders and teams to unlock their potential, learn new skills and find innovative ways to boost their performance. I have helped executives and professionals to take ownership, design their career and shape their future.


John Elbing

Strategy coach, Facilitator, Design Thinker, Storyteller.
My why is understanding and helping others understand.
Born in the US, raised in Switzerland, I have zigged and zagged through many different professions, jobs and training programs, building an expansive toolkit to help you grow your business, your life.
I have been continuously designing my life, without using that term. I love to help others do the same.
I have an MS in Computer Science, an MBA in finance and several certifications, notably in design thinking and the storytelling framework StoryBrand. I have worked in marketing, project management and launched two startups. I have coached dozens of entrepreneurs and executives.

  • Stay stuck on the same old track
  • Think your options are limited
  • Resign yourself to a life you don’t want
  • Think this is an end

There are options
  • Career coaches
  • Outplacement services
  • Personal development programs.

This course combines the best of these programs. And adds a few more things:
  • Combination of work and life development
  • Structured steps
  • Reusable tools and skills
  • Peer insights & support

With this course, you will transform your life

Increased confidence

Stop worrying about what could happen. Feel confident that you can decide your life.

Sense of freedom

Stop feeling stuck in your situation. Experience the sensation of having the freedom of choice.

Being in control

Others don't decide for you. You have control over your future.

Look forward to Monday

No more Sunday evening blues as the week approaches. Look forward to the coming week.

Feel joy

Get out of your rut. Feel the joy of possibility of a new beginning.

Renewed energy

No more drudgery. Tackle your activities with renewed energy.
Learn about Design Thinking
...and discover the books that have inspired us.


You are not in this alone.

You will build your own team to accompany you and create a safe space to try out this new method and get the most out of it.

We will build a community together for insights and support.
Weekly live Zoom workshops will help you stay committed.
Weekly community Zoom calls will bring the group together.

Courses & more

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