A six-week program to help you build, not only your next step, but your life.
Work at your own speed. Regular email prompts to help keep you going.

A quick overview of the course

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A little lost?

You, as a senior professional, with an impressive career behind you, want to make your next move, start your next chapter.

But you are now a little lost on what is your next step in your work. And in your life.

The job market is no longer what it used to be. Your skills that used to be so hot are no longer in quite as such high demand. What is going to happen next?

Another job, identical to what you have been doing all your life? Something different, but similar? A complete change?

Be employed? Start a new business? Become independent? Freelance?
Work full time? Part-time? Have a flexible schedule? Combine several activities? Carve out time for volunteer work?

Do you feel a little lost? Are you worried about making the wrong decision?

Practically, how does this work?

The programme is delivered over a six-week period.

  • Weekly course modules – Videos and worksheets
  • Regular personalized emails to help you motivated and committed

Details below
Start any time!

In this program, you will learn to

Closely examine the “life story” that has brought you to where you are today.
Align your ‘life’ view and ‘work’ view. Often making money and having meaning in your life are not always aligned.
Understand what gives you energy and what sucks you dry, so you can design a life that fills you up.
Shift your thinking. Learn how to focus on life as a journey to be experienced fully, rather than a means to an end.
Fix dysfunctional attitudes by understanding the root of things that might be blocking you.
Design and build new options for your next career step.

With this course, you will transform your life

Increased confidence

Stop worrying about what could happen. Feel confident that you can decide your life.

Sense of freedom

Stop feeling stuck in your situation. Experience the sensation of having the freedom of choice.

Being in control

Others don't decide for you. You have control over your future.

Look forward to Monday

No more Sunday evening blues as the week approaches. Look forward to the coming week.

Feel joy

Get out of your rut. Feel the joy of possibility of a new beginning.

Renewed energy

No more drudgery. Tackle your activities with renewed energy.


You are not in this alone.

You will build your team to accompany you on this journey. And create a safe space to try out this new method and get the most out of it.

And we will be there for you every step of the way. Regular personalized emails will help keep you motivated and committed.

Agenda - 6 weeks

Ready to design your next step?

Enroll today ny clicking on the button on the left
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